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Focus is the New Gold

How to Reduce Stress and Increase Productivity in a Distracted World

How many times today have you been distracted from what you really wanted to do? We live in a world of constant connectivity, where distraction lurks around every corner. Our endless to-do lists and packed schedules are a merciless reflection of the chaos in our minds: we are constantly in overdrive, and our focus is completely lost. It’s no wonder that stress and burnout rates are at an all-time high.

Yet, we know more than ever what we need to remain resilient and healthy. However, our overstimulated brains seem unable to process all that knowledge, let alone put it into practice.

Elke Geraerts inspires with her keynote tailored to a generation without attention. She combines powerful insights with practical tools that are immediately applicable. Her goal? To sharpen your focus once again. Not only by making us work more efficiently and attentively, but also – and most importantly – by teaching us how to deliberately unfocus. Are you ready for a mental revolution? Then this keynote is a must-see!

Authentic Intelligence

How to future-proof yourself and your team

The voices asking whether we humans can still compete against robots and artificial intelligence are getting louder. Companies and schools, as well as individuals start to worry about AI, such as chatGPT. In this highly topical speech, Elke points out that it is time to demystify technology and to shift the focus back onto human beings. She unfolds the unique human qualities that we need to invest in so as to secure our professional future. And which assets you really should embed in your organization’s DNA if you want to ensure your viability in this disruptive world. An inspiring presentation for organizations that already have both feet firmly planted in the future and want to use these volatile times as a transformational momentum.

The New Now

Building resilience in a world where change is the only constant

Change can be challenging, but times of uncertainty also provide a unique opportunity for organisations to demonstrate resilience and emerge stronger. In this highly topical speech Elke Geraerts shares her profound insights in how organisations may manage to seize this opportunity. She explains why it is time to put employee health and wellbeing at the top of the C-suite’s strategic agenda, and how this may help in responding to new work paradigms. With her background in neuroscience, Elke points towards new ways to equipping leaders and employees with the mental, emotional, and social skills needed to not just cope, but adapt and thrive. Make sure to experience Elke’s speech and find out how we can build resilience in our careers, leaders, and organizations so we can better plan for and respond to the accelerated future of work.

Mental Resilience

How to strengthen resilience and empower your brain

We are living in volatile times and this has a huge impact on how we live and work. Especially in these challenging times it is important to keep our heads above water and be resilient . In this keynote Elke shares her insights on mental resilience and how we can deal swiftly with any challenge. Expect an eye opener that makes it crystal clear that investing in your own brain leads to more agility, energy and happiness and less stress.

With the #1 bestseller Better Minds as a common thread, you learn how your brain exactly works and you discover techniques to strengthen your energy and focus and to get through this time with sufficient motivation . In a 48-hour challenge, Elke will push you to apply a number of tips and tricks in practice straight away. A must-see to thrive in these volatile times!

The Mental Reset

How hybrid work and life strengthen resilience

The polycrisis is kicking in and people are suffering from chronic stress and burn-out like never before. But what if we are able to embrace this crisis as an opportunity for true transformation? What if we reset our (unhealthy) habits so we can face challenges stronger than we ever did before? What if we take this momentum as a head start for ourselves, our teams and our organizations?

In this talk Elke inspires you with insights that you need to for a post-pandemic era. She shows you how hybrid work ánd life may render you more productivity, energy and inner peace at the same time. She takes the time with you to reflect on how this hybrid context strengthens resilience for yourself, your teams and your company and what implications it has for your company’s strategy. And on top of that, she shares her ideas about what you can exactly do to advance (self) leadership, to foster connection and psychological safety within your team, to focus on what really matters, and to touch the right future-proof chords. A must-experience if you want to get ready for
a mental reset!

Based on Elke’s book The Mental Reset, that appeared in Dutch and in English.

Safety First

Discover the power of psychological safety

Psychological safety: everyone is talking about it these days. Which begs the question: is this just another buzz word that has been initiated in the United States, or does the concept really deserve so much attention? Get convinced yourself of the value of psychological safety during this keynote by Elke Geraerts. After all, research shows that psychological safety promotes well-being, inclusion, and innovation. It establishes significant improvements in ownership, collaboration, learning, creativity, and performance. It is the driving force behind resilient and successful organisations. So there is every reason to fully focus on this crucial game changer.

Discover during this keynote what psychological safety means, why it is so important and learn how to create trust in the workplace by using concrete cases and tools. Moreover, what makes this keynote truly unique is the neuroscientific basis of Elke’s story. Don’t miss this keynote as psychological safety is the foundation of your resilient and successful team.

Couraegous Leadership

Transform to human-centred leadership

As the work environment changes, so must leadership. The shifts of social and political turbulence, the merging of work and private life and flexible work arrangements are redefining the dynamic between leader and employee to a human-to-human relationship. And that requires timely skills.

As a leader, how can you make the difference in a world where change is the only constant? In this keynote, Elke Geraerts will tell you the ins and outs of human-centred leadership, defined as leading with authenticity, empathy, and adaptability. These traits have for some time been ranked among the most important qualities of great leaders – but they were mostly considered a nice to have. Today, they are required.

With her background in neuroscience, Elke shares insights that can have a huge impact on your self-leadership, your guts, resilience and focus, as well as on how you connect with your team members and embrace (neuro)diversity and establish psychological safety as a solid foundation. Join us on a leadership journey and discover how you dare to lead!

In The Studio

Elke is happy to travel to your site or she can give a keynote from a professional webinar studio near Antwerp. With beautiful settings, she will certainly hold the attention of every participant.

Trusted by many organizations

“Powerful – loaded with applications and insights. Wonderful speaker! Professional, real and useful.”

Genevieve Deschenes
Event Marketing Manager, Allianz Partners

“This was the best 90 mins I have spent in years!”

Yvonne Malone
Director EMEA Talent and Organization, Abbott

“Disruptive. That is probably the single best word to describe the impact of Elke. Authentic interaction, and a lot of smiles too.”

Chris van Hoof
VP R&D, imec


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